Welcome to GopherCentral.com

For well over 20 years, GopherCentral.com, called “Shagmail” back in the day, was the place to go for free newsletters. With numerous publications, covering a wide array of topics from humor to household hints,
Gophercentral was a juggernaut. Even after the dot-com bubble burst in the early 2000s, Gophercentral has soldiered on with new publications, an extensive archives covering over 30 of our popular publications, and a new generation of subscribers that not only read, but interact with our editors with questions, comments, and content.

Today, GopherCentral.com is the place for email nostalgia. Its most popular publications are still there, like the clean joke list Clean Laffs, the adult joke list Laff-a-Day, the home-cooking column Daily Recipe, and Bizarre News – all written and published in-house by PulseTV staff, with a core audience of fans who forward their favorite issues around to their friends and still patronize PulseTV.com.

Now GopherCentral.com is starting to grow a social media presence as well. If you have never read a GopherCentral.com eZine they are all free, like they have always been, and the editors are just waiting to say hello. Subscribe Today!