There were a TON of awesome products we saw at the International Home and Housewares show. It’s one of our favorite shows to go to – and it doesn’t hurt that it’s practically hosted in our backyard – McCormick Place in Chicago! So we wouldn’t miss one of these for the world.
Besides watching some cooking demos from our favorite chefs, sampling delicious snacks and smoothies, we actually got some real work done too! We met with some awesome new vendors, some Shark Tank successful companies, and current vendors/friends.
Some of the team was also in Las Vegas for a trade show at the SAME time. It stinks, but we split our buyers up to cover more ground and make sure we don’t miss great deals. More on the other show in another post
It was an exciting trade show to be at, and we found plenty of awesome new products. Took plenty of pictures, and we’ll start sharing some of our upcoming products on our Facebook Page. So make sure you like our page and are subscribed to get the latest info on your newsfeed as explained below!